Saturday, May 2, 2009


I decided to start something else to avoid the feeling of being lost in a swamp, a sensation intensified when I leave the house for a drive or a stroll. All the concrete,
asphalt, noise, heat, traffic jams, people hollering, car alarms, in brief living in an isle with noise,
air, visual, pollution is not easy.

Perhaps, visiting other blogs from this isle written in Spanish or English and taking, quoting the best/and the worst from the multiple possibilities would be a great entertainment for yours truly and
readers with critical capabilities. What is good and what is not in, anglospano review will be based only in my belief that the political, ecological, environmental, economical situation here and the rest of the world is really screwed up in terms of
priorities and focus.

Well, perhaps it will be more useful to include in our criticism, observation of other blogs moving away to cover those from other countries, since my perception as
a reader, from these far away places is very similar to Puerto Rico. The view of what seems real is absurd. Not only that. When you point to others the why and how, they
pretend you wrote nothing. Turning their face the other way.

I often wonder if it is some disease, the stupidity to comprehend what is logical and evident...we shall return ....

One example of this rare need to repeat themselves, to scratch each other backs,
embracing the flag at the most insignificant provocation, is the lesperian matriarch,who has recently embraced the ecological/environmental pathetic situation in Puerto with destroyed trees in the metro area and adyacent municipalities.

But these same senior environmentalist, when questioned regarding the repeated denunciation of the destruction of twelve acres in Parque Donha Ines/Fundacion Luis Munhoz Marin, in Trujillo Alto, responded "one has to choose the battles to be fought"...and on and on. Well, I decided to laugh my heart out at this improvised, superficial, wordy and meaningless fashion to defend
the environment without planting anything, just posing as the bag lady of our ecological suicide.

On top of that, from her throne in Condominio el Monte, she proclaims who is the best environmental this or that, the best blogs and so on and so forth. It is amazing, all these empty words, symbolic gestures, collecting a thousand signatures for trees already mutilated and killed, then what? On the other hand, this destruction takes
place all over the island, by the government, housing construction companies, highways and many others. The criteria to pick which one becomes your pet
ecological suicide what is it?

Where are the credentials? What have you planted? What can you identify? Have you, noticed the mutilated trees surrounding your neighborhood? Why the need
to pose constantly? Who anointed you?


  1. Palabras con luz.
    Demos gracias a Dios.

  2. I have read your posts. I have not found them offending to me. You are a person who says its mind and believe what you think is right. We are still allowed to think (Die Gedanken sind frei, kein Mensch kann sie wissen, kein Kerker erschliessen) but not to speak out, leaving that nicely cut out square. I have my ranting times, but most of the time "I build a bridge and get over it."

  3. Titania,

    Thanks for your words, but I was not referring to you or your blog, but to some groupies in another one. I usually tell how the cookie crumbles.

    But honestly, I appreciate your words. I should
    do as suggested. And not burn the bridges. Even if down here is preaching in the desert. However, I will have to keep a wider lens focus, thanks to you..
