Wednesday, August 12, 2009


IF YOU ARE one of my consequent and loyal fans, you will probably holler: endemismotrasnochado, upinthebreadfruittree or anglospano review. Just like the oil 3 in 1. That is what I suspected.

out of any ego trip or similar expectations. It is just that most blogs in the PR
scene depending on the two schools of style and discourse are lame, lacking original
views or wacko ones if I may. It is the same repetitious lame, I reiterate, usage of the language without much vision, real humor or an elementary level of wittyness.

By writing what is in the tittle, hoping to see my work in the internet pages I was happily surprised.... there...there was nothing...HOWEVER, I am glad, really. GIL THE GENIUS, from CABO ROJO, with love and a like Maugham, with a doubledge sharp ENGLISH style that I enjoyed the hell out of. Check the post on something related about a knife and those
puertoricans that migrated, mostly illiterate and have tons of self hatred for many
reasons. This is evidence that in these boring shores some are creative with the language, it does not matter which.

I have never written about our national blog scene in depth, nor that I will, since it
really stinks. Some blogs have become shoppers, others beg for money, the pretenders
of the fatherland display the flag prominently even if they stink, so you can see them/read/look at the pictures with some pity. Too many pretend to be newspapers repeating what one finds in PAPER, as if they could present it better,
without a little spark. And some are BETTER written, with better pictures........but they have nothing to say/write since they suffer from
myopic difficulties, are blind or with blindfolds.

At any rate, this will be my shorter post considering the subject. I had great pleasure findind this well written blog, even if the thematic scheme
is not of my liking. What I read I enjoyed and invite those readers in the far away
continents to check 'The Best Blog in Puerto Rico' by Gil the Genius. Go to search
with that, you'll find it. YOU may enjoy it. I wish some of the puertorican fools in the blog scene would have told me it exists. Suggestion, if you see a blog of your liking in the future share it. As Gil the Genius ends his postings...The Other Genius
has written. Time to go.

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