Saturday, May 2, 2009


FOR the last couple of days I have felt the scent when I go out to walk Diva,
our animal of company,( since pet have fell into political incorrectness), as soon as I opened the door to our east garden. I wondered what the hell could smell so nice, it has some sweetness, but not similar to Gardenias, Frangipani, Mirabilis siciliana, or orange/lemon.

The mystery was solved today around five pm. While I was using my retro stationary bicycle in the back yard, I took a glimpse trying to follow unknown ocean side birds and saw it right there, the intense yellow flowers of the PTEROCARPUS. One scent that has to be in to top five. I stated my dislike for Ylan-ylan and Nerius Oleander, already.

Which reminds me of this idiot from the east who wrote in her blog about the Four o'clock flower and I the good hearted with credentials creative critic, mentioned the great fragrance of the flower (Mirabilis siciliana), and she
stated that hers did not smell... As it was my fault or I did not know what
I was writing about.

This in turn forces me to write about other anecdote since I am writing about scent. I used to worry about readers or not, wondering if there was
anyone reading the crapy output, often original, that I deliver. Now, after
navegating the web regularly, I witness the mentally challenged comments that
people into plants, who have gardens, who write about horticulture
leave behind. It is beyond tolerance.

This woman mentioned the great scent of Ixoras in the comment section. The host, seems infatuated with this worn out/overused bush in Puerto Rico. The guy was very gentle. Told the fool that Ixoras have no scent whatsoever...What would I have done?

I would have questioned this ever present lady in the comments, if she
really had Ixoras or a problem as the lady with her Four o'clock, or if she
thought that every one of my blogs required her trivial, meaningless feedback.

And back to you in the studio..

What is the problem with MEXICANS, first it was SALMONELLA, in produce, now is some hog fever that is driving everybody nuts. By the way, I am recovering from the worst cold I ever had in my 57 not heinz. Could it had been the pig fever? It seems from this event that now, now everything that is bad becomes global..

I wonder if AlKAEDA, the Bin Laden fellows know anything about biology
since it would be very simple to really screw up those countries that have shown no respect for their backward primitive, male chauvinist religious
belief. Imagine what life is going to become.

Some fellows create a pest in a lab, preferably flu like and start spreading
it just as those martyr idiots for 72 virgins who blow themselves up. A question comes to mind, what do they offer to the women who are blowing themselves up more recently?

Back to the MEXICANS, these guys are really wild, but not refined, sophisticated as the COLOMBIANS, murdering wise. Over six thousand
people have been shot in the Narco Wars in Ciudad Juarez, about the same or less than USA casualties in Irak. I have since 1990, in an article
published in El Diario/La Prensa suggested that all DRUGS be legalized.

This is the rigth moment. With the financial, banking, real estate, securities, insurance crisis...This megabucks should be taxable. I do not
care about any other issues. The alcohol prohibition was more damaging
than allowing the populace drink. On the other hand, if alcohol and cigarettes are legal and sold why not?

Imagine: coke/heroin, acid, pot, hashish, mescaline, crystal meth, and any
imaginable drug for social mingling, networking was legalized.. There would be no more shoot outs since the monopoly would be in the hands
of the state, just as alcohol and cigarettes are.

As a former freedom fighter in Deutshland Bundesrepublik 1975-1976, I learned everything that any educated person with credentials needs to know about drug in practice/theory. Except with the use of needles, I can not see blood. Never felt the urge to put anything in my veins.

Therapy and counseling will be offered for junkies unable to control the
urge. Just like there are bariatric surgery, therapy for morbose eaters.
What is your argument for a rebbuttal? Good luck and let it flow.

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